Thanks for stopping by.
People are one of the most important parts of where you work, so I’d love to share a snapshot into who I am, why I do what I do, where I’ve been and what you might expect if we’re going to work together.
Me, pictured with Charlie the Cat circa 2020. In the moments following this photograph Charlie displaced the party whistle, knocked the Lindt chocolate off the bench, and promptly cried for treats. She received treats, the party whistle was never found.
Where I’ve been:
- Started out in the Army in 2012. Believed that it was a way to give back, and to help others around me by investing into Australia with my time and energy. Learned a tremendous amount about perspective, discipline, and living the view that achieving good outcomes isn’t about the individual, but the collective.
- Studied a Psychology degree in 2015, suffered a hip injury during an exercise in the Northern Territory.
- Transitioned from Defence into the tech industry, working as a Design Researcher & Service Design consultant in 2019. An outcome of time spent learning software development with the learnings from my Psychology degree.
- Worked with the NSW Government in 2021. Improved the Australian Death Notification Service and delivered the initial MVP of the Digital Birth Certificate. Built and lead my first cross functional team of Designers, Developers and QA’s.
- Transitioned to WooliesX in late 2022. Hoping to have a positive impact on the food retail industry. Gained domain expertise across logistics, ecommerce and store automation. In this period I was incredibly proud of the work I led in representing team experience and significantly impacting the way staff were perceived and managed through the better use of data.
- I moved back to the NSW Government in mid 2024. Working with Revenue NSW, I’m motivated to improve the way the state collects and manages the over $42b annually they collect through taxes.
Why product & design?
I work within design & technology as I view it as being a significant force multiplier (excuse the army reference). As individual contributors and leaders, we have the ability to design and innovate underlying services, products, policies and strategy behind how the world works.
At a very simple level, a lot of organisations view design as pushing rectangles around on a screen. I strive to gain a deep understanding of the root cause of the problems that organisations and people experience. In doing this, I’m able to push those rectangles around in a way that is meaningful and solves the problems in the right ways.
I’m a big believer in being the change you seek. Learning that over 40% of people in Australia experience food insecurity, while Australia’s annual food waste could fill the Melbourne Cricket Ground ten times over led me to start working a solution (happy to chat about this).